Izumo Taisha Guided Tour

Goodwill English Guide of Izumo (GoEn)

出雲大社英語ボランティアガイド (GoEn)

About Us

Goodwill English Guide of Izumo (GoEn), established by former English volunteer guide members at Shimane Mythology Symposium 2012, is a non-profit English volunteer guide group that offers walking tours of Izumo Taisha (Izumo Grand Shrine) to international guests.  

During our walking tours of Izumo Taisha, GoEn volunteer guides provide in-depth cultural and historical insights about the shrine's significance in Japanese mythology and the local culture and customs.

We are here to share the knowledge with heart-warming hospitality, making for a memorable and informative experience for international guests.


Goodwill English Guide in Izumo (GoEn、"ゴエン") は、出雲大社の境内を英語で案内するボランティアガイド団体です。2012年神話博のボランティアガイド数名により設立され、現在も継続的に活動を行っています。
